Flexible financing to keep Digital Transformation on Track
As we move into a post-pandemic digital world, companies simply cannot afford to take the pedal off the gas of their digital transformation. As challenges mount across sectors, IT management has, in particular, had to ramp up to accommodate sweeping changes and client demands, demands that are not likely to lessen as many businesses move from recovery to building resilience. For businesses everywhere it has been a struggle to get a true sense of the impact that the COVID-19 crisis has had - according to Deloitte the virus has had ‘a significant impact on the technology sector, affecting raw materials supply, disrupting the electronics value chain, and causing an inflationary risk on products.’ With governments now deciding on how best to lessen lockdown measures without risking a second wave, the uncertainty of how to go forward is weighing heavily on businesses eager to get back to work. For example, whilst thoughts have begun to turn from immediate and pressing issues like busi...