
Showing posts with the label softwaretesting

What Can We Learn From The State Of Testing In 2021?

I started testing software back in college. That was over 20 years ago when the world was worried about the potential apocalypse that would hit humanity at midnight on December 31, 1999. Maybe it was the billions of dollars invested in finding and fixing the Y2K bug (as it was known back then), or maybe it was a case of unnecessary global mass hysteria. But other than some minor glitches and your usual midnight kisses, nothing really happened on that “scary” evening. Fast-forwarding my professional career, I’ve worked in all sorts of organizations, ranging from small internet startups to large multinational corporations. I’ve interacted with companies and testers from all four corners of the world, learning about testing practices and processes from many of the leading figures in the quality assurance ecosystem. As part of my efforts to be more active within the testing community, I started a blog in the late 2000s. Then, about eight years ago, while working on a series of articles I r...

The Benefits of Experienced Software Engineers For Your Business

Software development is a set of processes used to transform an idea into an actual software product. Software development is also the process of designing, coding, specifying, documentation, testing, and bug-fixing involved in developing and maintaining software, frameworks, or other software products. In short, it is the “backbone” of software engineering. Software development processes usually involve writing code and testing it to ensure that it is correct. Once the testing is complete, a programmer can create a final release of the software. Typically, software development teams use coding and programming languages such as C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, R, Smalltalk, and others. The developers are usually called software developers, programmers, software testers , or “programmers”. Today, software development has become more specialized. In addition to traditional “code and test” processes, software development companies use software testing and verification techniques. For instance, ...